Archive for September 2010

Real Estate Myths

Real Estate Myths
Whether these myths were started and perpetuated by another real estate agent to gain the upper hand over their competition or simply a consumer that didn’t understand the process well enough because their agent didn’t take the time, the end result is the same… mis-information.  In an effort to dispel some of these myths it’s important to recognize them for what they really are, untruths.  Don’t take our word for this, we encourage you to take the time to investigate and arrive at your own conclusions.
 If you look at what agents/companies do for you, you begin to realize that all agents do basically the same thing with few exceptions. This myth was started and carries on to this day because the “big” box companies don’t want to loose market share and if they can keep you in the dark they stand to make more money and after all, isn’t that what this is all about.

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Good Morning Bellevue!

As I went for my morning coffee this morning I realized how lucky we are to live in this city and more importantly in this area of the country. Not to gush, but we have some of the nicest people and one of the most stable economies in the US. Despite what negative story you may hear about the local housing market, it is never as bad as people paint the picture. Yes, there are situations in the eastside housing market that aren't desirable but overall we are a very resilient group of people and strong financially. I am seeing more and more homes come on the market and more sales taking place so get ready for a vibrant 2010 and don't listen to the naysayers. ..I love this city!

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Shout Out

Dermagic  is probably one of the most interesting entrepreneurial stories I have come across in a very long time.  Dr. Adelia Ritchie is the owner, founder, chief cook and bottle washer of the company and not to say that there aren't others associated with the company.  She has legions of people who have gotten the vision of this company and have picked up the banner of Dermagic and carried it with pride and excitement.  Adelia is an inventive and creative organic chemist with a tremendous drive and passion for helping pets and animals around the world with the products she has developed.I would encourage you to go to to order products that can and will help your pets.

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Boost your home’s sales price by spring: 10 cheap ways

1. Retouch the front shell: If your property's exterior isn't appealing, no one will want to see your newly remodeled kitchen. Property sellers must first ensure that their home projects a cozy, inviting feeling. "The shell — the outside front — is probably the most important area for improvement, the area where you can make the biggest improvement with the smallest amount of cash," says Pat Lashinsky, president and CEO of ZipRealty. Touching up the paint on the front-entry portion of the house can be an inexpensive but effective way to make the entire property more inviting. "Really focus on that outside, external shell," Lashinsky says. "You would be amazed by the amount of people that drive by a house and say, 'Ah, that's not for me.' And they can tell just by the way the upkeep and the outside looks."

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